When you are creating your product, it is important to be sure you are choosing the ideal material. Many times, you will be choosing between two materials that provide similar benefits and have similar properties, however, there may be some key differences that are crucial to the function of your product.

In many critical applications, thermoplastics and metals are common choices due to their durability and other beneficial properties. Let’s explore thermoplastics vs metals to help you determine which is best for your application.

Thermoplastic Properties

Thermoplastics have many beneficial properties that make them a good choice for various demanding applications. Not only do they have high-temperature resistance so they won’t melt or degrade when exposed to high heat, but they also have good impact resistance so repetitive stresses won’t break or crack the material. Some other beneficial properties include chemical resistance, durability, electrical insulation, and lightweight.

Metal Properties

Metals also have various advantageous properties, including high-temperature resistance. However, metals are also very versatile and can easily be manufactured and machined through a variety of processes. Additionally, metals are extremely strong.

Thermoplastics vs Metals: The Benefits of Choosing Plastics

While both thermoplastics and metals have a lot to offer, there may be some reasons why choosing a thermoplastic is better for your needs.


Thermoplastics are extremely easy to machine, allowing you to use cheaper materials for your tooling, ultimately lowering the cost of your manufacturing processes. Additionally, thermoplastics are typically more affordable than many metals, contributing to lower costs. And, your plastics can be formulated into a wide range of colors so they don’t have to undergo painting or coating operations like many metals do.


Thermoplastics offer comparable strength at a significantly lower weight than metals. This allows for applications to remain durable and strong while reducing their weight, which may be ideal for applications in critical industries such as aerospace.

Corrosion Resistance

Metals are often susceptible to corrosion and oxidations when they are exposed to certain environments and aren’t treated properly. Alternatively, thermoplastics are inherently resistant to both corrosion and oxidation without needing any additional treatment.

Comply with Industry Regulations

Thermoplastics have various formulations, making finding a plastic that meets your industry standards easy. For example, various thermoplastics meet FDA standards for use in the medical industry.

Common Thermoplastics to Choose From

There are many thermoplastics to choose from, but here are some of the most common:

Polyetheretherketone (PEEK)

This thermoplastic can be used in temperatures up to 482ºF (250ºC) while exhibiting excellent mechanical strength and dimensional stability. It is also corrosion resistant, chemical resistant, and does not hydrolyze in water.

Polyamide-imide (PAI)

This thermoplastic has high compressive and impact strength, as well has having increased strength up to 400ºF (200ºC) compared to other thermoplastics. PAI is also water resistant, chemical resistant, and has excellent electrical properties.

Polyimide (PI)

Polyimide exhibits high strength, dimensional stability, creep resistance, and has low friction wear. These properties make it ideal for replacing heavy metal parts.

Polyphenylene Sulfide (PPS)

This thermoplastic exhibits high mechanical strength, chemical resistance, and high temperature resistance. It also has great dimensional stability over various temperatures and moisture levels.

Need Help Deciding Between Thermoplastics vs Metals? Contact Ensinger Today

At Ensinger, our team has in-depth knowledge of the processes and materials needed to create the thermoplastic solutions you need to replace metals. We not only have a wide range of thermoplastics available, but our team of engineers will ensure your product is designed to be manufactured as efficiently as possible.

Contact our team today to get started.